Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One of Earth's Exotic Animals Explored #9

Have You Ever Stopped and Thought About a Creature that Looks Similar to a Rolly Polly?

Image result for rolly polly

The Creature
The creature is Known as a Giant Isopod. They range form 7.5-14.2 feet long. The Isopods are a brown grayish color. They look like big Alien bugs from a horror movie that wants to eat you. The creature can walk on land or swim in water but they prefer to stay in the ocean near the depths. When they feel threatened they will curl up in a ball such as a fetal position.
These creatures live in the Pacific Ocean near Japan and near South China Sea. The depth they live at is around 550-7020 feet deep. The Isopods enjoy a muddy or clay like surface and prefer the colder waters.
These big ugly looking guys are carnivores and tend to scavenge around the ocean looking for something dead to eat. So if you look dead the chances of them eating you are pretty high. They also eat living animals that are super slow like sponges and trawl catches.

Interesting Facts
-The reason why these creatures grow so big is from the term deep sea gigantism. It allows fish in larger bodies of water like the ocean grow to substantial size compared to the shallower water relatives.
- These creatures are not even similar to bugs they are more similar to shrimp and crabs known as crustaceans.
-The Isopods can go a long time without eating, one Isopod was kept in Japan without eating one bite.


  1. I have never heard of this animal! I really hope I never see one of them either... they are very freaky looking. I find it interesting that they go a very long time without eating.

  2. I have never heard or seen this animal before. It's really scary, and I hope I never do see it. You had some really cool interesting facts!

  3. I thought this was a pretty neat article, and those things look like something that should be imprinted on a rock. Id rather see it in a rock than see on front of my face. Awesome article but I would recommend that you hyperlink your sources.
