Thursday, April 2, 2015

One of Earth's Exotic Animals Explored #7

Have You Ever Stopped and Thought About What                Kinds of Animals Live in India?

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The Creature
The creature that is being explored in this blog today is the Nasikabtrachus Sahyadrensis, commonly known as the Purple Frog or Pignose Frog. The frogs length ranges from 52.8 mm to 89.9 mm from their snout to their backside. The frogs have webbed feet, But what is interesting is the toes have a indented groove in them for digging into the ground similar to like using a shovel.They spend about 2 weeks above ground for mating purposes.

Image result for india

The majority of these frogs live in the Western Ghat Mountains Southern of India. But they have been seen occasionally around lush green moist areas. The frogs spend majority of the time underground in their barrows they have created.  And sometimes seen around during monsoon season.

The frogs do not leave their barrows for food, they live on a diet of termites which are also located around their barrows underground. They even consume ants and small worms.
Image result for termites
Interesting Facts
- Males are 1/3 the size of females
- The frogs are considered to be on the endanger list due to the deforestation of for coffee, cardamon, and ginger plantations. 
- Female frogs lay their eggs by moving streams or ponds.

5.) Indian Purple Frog: This gross-looking species of frog only spends two weeks out of the year on the surface of the Earth (which is probably why it looks the way it does).Image result for purple frog



1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of the Purple Frog, and it looks very strange. You mentioned that this Purple Frog lives mostly in the Western Ghat Mountains Southern of India. What are some of the other locations they can be found? Are they strictly found in India?
