Friday, March 6, 2015

One of Earth's Exotic Animals Explored #4

Have you ever thought about, is there an exotic animal that                                     has similar traits to humans?

                                                                     The Creature
This weird human shape like teeth in this photo above is called, The Pacu Fish. Also known as the testes eating fish.They can get up to 3 ft long and weigh up to 55 lbs.

Pacu fish are considered omnivores, meaning they will eat anything to meat to plant life.
Such as nuts, various meats like fish and mammals. To random plant life.

Pacu fish mainly live in South America. Around the Amazon and Orinoco river. They have been spotted now and then through out the United States in various lakes.

Interesting Facts
- These fish are known for ripping off men testes.
- This fish is related to the Piranha fish family.
- Pacu is mainly used for the trading of aquarium fish life.
- These fish are typically ate in oriental restaurants also in their fish tanks.
- The Amazon river right now is experiencing an over fishing area right now with the Pacu fish                                                                                     since they are considered to be good eating.
                                                                                   -Texas has a $100 limit on who ever catches these fish and turns them in since their is a highly unusual report of pet owners of Pacu releasing these creatures into nearby lakes. Because they out grow their owners aquariums.


1 comment:

  1. That has to about be the weirdest fish I have ever seen. I have never even heard of it before and the fact that it eats men's testes makes me glad I haven't. I don't think I will ever go swimming anywhere near one of those. Good blog.
