Friday, February 27, 2015

One of Earth's Exotic Animals Explored #3

               Exotic  Animal in the Deep Dark Green Bush

The Creature
This interesting snake is called an Atheris also known as the Bush Snake. It is a very venomous snake. An adult snake can reach up to 3 inches long from head to tail. The species keep their rectangular head shape to help show their distinctiveness. This species of snakes come in a variety of different colors.

They also  prey upon a variety of small amphibians, lizards, rodents, birds, and even other snakes, The prey is typically ambushed in a hanging position.
The habitat
Typically inhabit rain forests and places where human activity is limited.

Interesting facts
This type of species is considered on the endangered list for being over killed.
Not much is known about their venom expect that its hemotoxic.



  1. Why were they being overkilled? Also what does hemotoxic mean?

  2. I have always been fascinated by rare exotic animals. It's very interesting to read about these snakes and the different things about them!

  3. Why hasn't their venom been analyzed deeper? Don't they want to make anti venom just in case?
