Friday, March 20, 2015

One of Earth's Exotic Animals Explored #6

Earth's Ugliest Animal on this Planet that is becoming Extinct

The Creature
Now that you have seen the video and been aware of the world's ugliest animal. This jelly fish is Known as the Blob Fish. The scientific name is Psychrolutes marcidus. Also from the family called the Fat Heads. Their family name come from the Greeks  It is considered an endangered species because the fishing companies that have been over fishing the oceans. Are trying to catch shrimp and crabs but these ugly guys tend to get caught with them in the nets in the process.


The Blob fish lives in the deep part of the ocean's typically around main lands such as Austrailia and Tasmania. The fish lives round with crabs and shrimp areas around those area's

The fish floats around the ocean waiting for some type of edible creatures to eat such as urchins,shell fish and mollusks.

Interesting Facts
-The Blog Fish is considered the ugliest animal on the planet, due to the lack of people liking the fish,  people are not caring as much if this animal goes extinct.

-If you have ever watched Pokemon this creature reminds me of a Ditto, the little pink guys who transform into basically anything they want like a mirror image.

- They have no bones or teeth. They are basically a pile of fat that floats around the ocean.

- No Blob Fish has ever been caught alive so trying make them a pet will probably never happen.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

One of Earth's Exotic Animals Explored #5

  This Mysterious and Uhm Very Odd Animal

The Creature
What this very rare and unusually creature is called the Atretochoan eiselti, also known as the "Penis Snake". This species is the largest of the few known tetra pods, and one of two caecilians, to lack lungs. Its eye sight is very bad so it relays on its sense of smell to navigate to places,
The biggest Atretochoan eiselti we found is a female and it weights 570 grams and length up to a meter long.

This creature does not live in the water, but it does live in moist environments around streams. They tend to make their environments in burrowed holes they create. One of the few we have found we in South America around the Amazon Rain Forest.

Nothing I can find out about their food.

Interesting facts
- This creature is not considered a snake.
- It breathes oxygen through its skin.
-Animals with no lungs typically relate to the salamander and some frog species which this creature is somewhat related to, its not related to the snake not even by a little.

Image result for the penis snakeImage result for the penis snake


Friday, March 6, 2015

One of Earth's Exotic Animals Explored #4

Have you ever thought about, is there an exotic animal that                                     has similar traits to humans?

                                                                     The Creature
This weird human shape like teeth in this photo above is called, The Pacu Fish. Also known as the testes eating fish.They can get up to 3 ft long and weigh up to 55 lbs.

Pacu fish are considered omnivores, meaning they will eat anything to meat to plant life.
Such as nuts, various meats like fish and mammals. To random plant life.

Pacu fish mainly live in South America. Around the Amazon and Orinoco river. They have been spotted now and then through out the United States in various lakes.

Interesting Facts
- These fish are known for ripping off men testes.
- This fish is related to the Piranha fish family.
- Pacu is mainly used for the trading of aquarium fish life.
- These fish are typically ate in oriental restaurants also in their fish tanks.
- The Amazon river right now is experiencing an over fishing area right now with the Pacu fish                                                                                     since they are considered to be good eating.
                                                                                   -Texas has a $100 limit on who ever catches these fish and turns them in since their is a highly unusual report of pet owners of Pacu releasing these creatures into nearby lakes. Because they out grow their owners aquariums.
